目前分類:Films/影片觀感 (9)

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g4chavi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I enjoyed the film '300' very much. Whenever I watch it, I always enjoy the lines and the way that narrator delivers. I am particularly impressed by the lines of:

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g4chavi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I can't wait to see this film! Actually, I should say that I am so excited about seeing Adrian Brody's performance. He is my favourite actor! In addition to Holly Wood movie--King Kong, I prefer his acting in other individual films, such as: The Jacket. Although he pulled off a brilliant performance in The Pianist (2002) as the youngest actor ever to win the Best Actor Academy Award, I am very impressed by his performance in the film, The Village . Well, I've to admit that I am attracted to his artistic charisma even though he is not a typical good-looking guy.

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  • Mar 26 Mon 2007 12:34
  • 300

g4chavi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Adrien又演了新片子囉,記得上次要去看,結果因為一堆事情沒時間上電影院,現在就只有看DVD安慰自己一番。一直都很喜歡Adrien的片子,之前也單獨介紹過他,好片還是繼續推薦給大家囉(見:Adrien Brody)。

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